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GetPassphrase API: Secure Passphrase Generation

On-demand Secure Passphrase Creation for Developers

Hey there! This is a simple api for generating. It completely free. Feel free to use it. If you do, please reach out on Twitter as I would love to discuss usage and any updates you may need.

Base URL


Generate Passphrase Endpoint

  • URL: /generate
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Generate a passphrase based on provided parameters or default settings.


  1. Default Request: Using the /generate route without any query parameters will generate a passphrase with default settings.

    • Request:
    GET https://api.getpassphrase.app/generate
    • Response:
      "status": "success",
      "passphrase": "apple-banana-cherry-date",
      "message": "Passphrase generated successfully."
  1. Customized Request: You can tailor the passphrase to your liking using the query parameters.

    • Request:
    GET https://api.getpassphrase.app/generate?totalWords=2&includeNumber=true&symbol=_&isCapital=true
    • Response:
      "status": "success",
      "passphrase": "Apple3_Banana",
      "message": "Passphrase generated successfully."

Response Statuses

  • success: The passphrase was successfully generated based on the provided criteria.
  • error: An issue occurred, usually due to invalid parameters. The message field will provide further details.

Query Parameters:

ParameterTypeDefaultAllowed ValuesDescription
totalWordsNumber41 to 10Specifies the number of words in the passphrase.
symbolString--, _, |, *, .The symbol used to separate words.
includeNumberBoolfalsetrue, falseIf true, a number will be appended to a random word.
isCapitalBoolfalsetrue, falseIf true, the first letter of each word will be capitalized.


  • When using the includeNumber=true parameter, a random number between 0-9 is appended to a randomly chosen word in the passphrase.
  • While you can use multiple query parameters to customize your passphrase, if you leave them out, the defaults mentioned in the table above will apply.


If you encounter any issues or have further questions, please contact me on Twitter.